
The Gordon Schools Positive Behaviour Expectations

At The Gordon Schools we are all:


  • We treat everyone with respect and dignity: we only use appropriate language and we do not behave towards, or touch, others or their belongings, inappropriately.
  • We treat our environment with respect: we do not deliberately cause damage to our school or our resources.
  • We keep our school tidy, we always use the appropriate recycling bins for our waste and we try to avoid wasteful behaviour.


  • We ensure that our actions will not cause harm to ourselves or others.
  • We follow instructions promptly to ensure that our school is a safe environment for everyone.
  • We move around the school in a calm and orderly manner.
  • We only eat and drink in the canteen, the John Swan Atrium and outside the school building unless given permission otherwise. We do not eat or drink in the corridor.
  • We do not bring energy drinks, or any other prohibited items into school.


  • We try our best to engage with our learning and we ask for help when required.
  • We come to school, and class, on time and prepared to learn.
  • We only use our mobile phones if we have been given permission[1].
  • We report inappropriate behaviour in order to support each other[2] and our Rights.

[1] The Gordon Schools Mobile Phone Policy

[2] The Gordon Schools Promoting Respect and Equalities Policy