BGE Junior Phase


In S1, pupils are taught for 2 periods each week for the entire year.  Pupils engage in Enterprise activity using a variety of technologies, with a focus on Levels 2 & 3 Experiences and Outcomes within Technologies and Social Studies.  They undertake a project which involves working in partnership with Deans of Huntly.

In S2, pupils are taught for one period each week for the entire year.  The course, Enterprise and Technology, builds on the Experiences and Outcomes achieved within S1 and the focus is on Level 3 within Technologies and Social Studies.  Pupils will connect their learning through engaging in a project which connects the work they do in Technical by costing and designing their product.

In S3, the Faculty offer courses in CfE Business Administration and CfE Computing Science.  The focus is on Level 4 Outcomes and Experiences within Social Studies and Technologies.  Study of these courses will enable pupils to progress to either National 4 or 5 courses within Senior Phase.

S3 Business Administration