Science Faculty: Biology, Chemistry and Physics
Over the next few weeks pupils will be able to continue with their Science education through the learning materials and instructions provided via their Microsoft Class Team. Pupils will also be encouraged to explore science topics which stimulate their personal interest through websites and videos.
S1 and S2 classes will initially continue with learning tasks associated with the topic they were studying when in School. Through Teams, S3 classes will be directed to resources to help them to continue to make progress through their work-booklets in Chemistry and Biology. In S3 Physics, the work-cards and problems-booklets are available electronically, with appropriate web-links added. Pupils will be given tasks to submit at appropriate points and are encouraged to seek support with their learning from staff, and to support each other with their learning, through the conversation board in their class Team.
If ICT access is an issue please contact TGS so that we may support with printed materials.
The study of Science is vital to developments in medicine, industry, health and the environment, to name but a few. As a scientist you need to be good at solving problems and able to explain your work to other people. Science students learn how to think in a scientific and analytical way. The faculty of science combines the departments of Biology, Chemistry and Physics. Pupils are encouraged to take part in a variety of cross-curricular and extra-curricular activities to extend and deepen their knowledge and interest in Science.
Mrs I. Gardner (Faculty Head)
Mr A. Innes – Physics
Mr J Lodge – Physics
Mr K. McIntosh – Chemistry
Mr N. Rowand – Biology
Mrs C. Thomson – Biology
Mrs P McWilliam – Biology
Mr L Wright – Biology